I'm preparing a project for college where I need to write a custom made exception that will be thrown by a couple of classes in the same package when they were not initialized properly. The problem is that I must let the user know which of those classes wasn't initialized properly (and throwed the exception)... So I was thinking about something like this:
class InitializationException extends Exception {
private static final String DEFAULT_MSG =
"This " + CLASSNAME-THROWINGME + " had not been initialized properly!";
protected String msg;
InitializationException() {
this.msg = DEFAULT_MSG;
InitializationException(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
(btw, can it be achieved via reflection?)
Look at Throwable.getStackTrace()
. Each StackTraceElement
has getClassName()
. You can look at element [0]
to determine the origination of the exception.