Ive made a dice "game" which randomly chooses a number and then "rolls" to see how many rolls it takes to get the same number. The problem im having is how can I make the pyöräytys
to be typed in by the user.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Noppapeli
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int pyöräytys;
int satunnainen;
int luku = 0;
Random noppa = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(),out pyöräytys);
Console.WriteLine("Arvon numeron ja sitten koitan saada sen uudelleen");
Console.WriteLine("Haettava numero on: " + pyöräytys);
satunnainen = noppa.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("numero on: " + satunnainen);
if (satunnainen == pyöräytys)
satunnainen = pyöräytys;
} while (pyöräytys != satunnainen);
Console.WriteLine("Haettu numero: " + pyöräytys);
Console.WriteLine("Pyöräytetty numero: " + satunnainen);
Console.Write("Kesti " + luku + " Nopan pyöräytystä saada tulos!");
I tried changing the pyöräytys = noppa.Next(1,7);
to something that would read the key that is pressed but couldnt find anything.
EDIT: Thanks for the solution WhileTrueSleep, i updated it in the code above. Just another thing, now that I can input a number over 6 it goes on a infinite loop. how would I make it so that the number must be between 1-6.
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out pyöräytys);
Edit: Replace this line against pyöräytys = noppa.Next(1, 7);
The user now can enter the value in the console. If the input is not valid then pyöräytys
will stay by its default value (0).