Is it possible for two threads to use a single function "ThreadProc" as its thread procedure when CreateThread() is used?
HANDLE thread1= CreateThread( NULL, //Choose default security
0, //Default stack size
//Routine to execute. I want this routine to be different each time as I want each thread to perform a different functionality.
(LPVOID) &i, //Thread parameter
0, //Immediately run the thread
&dwThreadId //Thread Id
HANDLE thread2= CreateThread( NULL, //Choose default security
0, //Default stack size
//Routine to execute. I want this routine to be different each time as I want each thread to perform a different functionality.
(LPVOID) &i, //Thread parameter
0, //Immediately run the thread
&dwThreadId //Thread Id
Would the above code create two threads each with same functionality(since thread procedure for both of the threads is same.) Am I doing it correctly?
If it is possible then would there be any synchronization issues since both threads are using same Thread Procedure.
Please help me with this. I am really confused and could not find anything over the internet.
It is fine to use the same function as a thread entry point for multiple threads.
However, from the posted code the address of i
is being passed to both threads. If either thread modifies this memory and the other reads then there is a race condition on i
. Without seeing the declaration of i
it is probably a local variable. This is dangerous as the threads require that i
exist for their lifetime. If i
does not the threads will have a dangling pointer. It is common practice to dynamically allocate thread arguments and have each thread free its arguments.