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svnkit, list all files of an SVN repository, without checking out the files is an SVN library in Java. For instance, you can get the log of an SVN repository as follows:

SVNLogClient.doLog(SVNURL url, String[] paths, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision startRevision, SVNRevision endRevision, boolean stopOnCopy, boolean discoverChangedPaths,
            boolean includeMergedRevisions, long limit, String[] revisionProperties, final ISVNLogEntryHandler handler);

How do I list all files of an SVN repository (without checking out the files)?


  • Check SvnList. For an example on how to use, have a look at org.tmatesoft.svn.test.ListTest#testListOnRepositoryRoot et al. as it is present in the latest revision of the 1.7.x branch in the SVNKit repository.