I'm currently facing a strange problem with a javascript block and internet explorer 9. When I load the page the document ready function is not executed, actually it seems as no javascript at all is executed. When I reload the page a few times finally the script block is executed. I could not find any pattern when the script is executed.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("ie test - start");
$("#id_project").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_year").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_month").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_purchase_order_membership").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_action").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
console.log("ie test - end");
$( document ).ajaxStop( function() {
$("#id_project").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_year").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_month").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_purchase_order_membership").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
$("#id_action").select2({ width: 'resolve' });
More strangely, when I start the developer tools of IE the script gets executed. It seems as I trigger something in IE with the start of the developer tools that lets IE remember that there is some js to be executed. Very strange. I will try to deploy an example script in the next days, as I understand that it will not be easy to help for such a strange problem. My test deployment is currently running in a login only site. Anyhow, maybe someone has faced the same issue..
As per my knowledge
is not working in IE. Remove these lines and try then