I'm trying to execute the below code using ColdFusion QOQ but it's not retrieving any records. I am using time in format "HH:mm" and using MySQL as backend and the original time column has a datatype of "TIME".
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="getCount">
SELECT count(*) as mycount
FROM getExams
WHERE start_time <= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_time" value="#curr_time#">
I am able to successfully compare date values using <cfqueryparam>
. However, it's not working on time columns. Can anyone help?
There is an open bug report for this issue. See bug #3551866
Even after many hours of effort, I was not able to find a simple way to compare time values within ColdFusion QOQ. So, here's the workaround that I used:
Step 1
To retrieve db columns with Time datatype, use format hhmmss.
eg. in my case of MySQL I used:
CONVERT(DATE_FORMAT(db_time_col, '%H%i'), UNSIGNED INTEGER) as db_time_col
Step 2
Within ColdFusion QOQ, convert time value into same format as used in Step 1.
eg. in my case it is: <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#timeFormat(cf_time_col, 'HHmm')#">