I am using Jersey client to interact with the Facebook Graph API. The Jersey client helps me parse JSON responses into Java classes.
Sometimes Facebook sends a 400 response along with useful information about the reason for the 400 response. For example: {"error":{"message":"Error validating application. Cannot get application info due to a system error.","type":"OAuthException","code":101}}
Jersey simply throws an exception and eats up the useful part of the response :-(
How do I get it to parse the JSON into a Java class with fields corresponding to the useful error information?
this code works:
try {
User user = user_target
} catch (ClientErrorException primary_exception) {
try {
ErrorResponse error_response = primary_exception.getResponse().readEntity(ErrorResponse.class);
} catch (ClientErrorException secondary_exception) {
System.err.println("Secondary Exception: " + secondary_exception.getMessage());
throw new ThisAppException("Secondary Exception", secondary_exception);