How can I make this code live?
$("#send_button").css({ opacity: 0.2 });
This code is applied on an element from inside a div on document ready
. That div gets replaced by other div on an event, then It gets reinserted again dinamically with html()
This is the div (example):
<div id="dinamic_div"><img src="image.jpg" id="send_button"></div>
Create a CSS rule and it will apply to any object that matches the selector even if it's created dynamically.
#send_button {opacity: 0.2;}
Or, make a CSS rule with the opacity on a class name and put the class name on your button:
.lightButton {opacity: 0.2;}
<div id="dinamic_div">
<img src="image.jpg" class="lightButton" id="send_button">
If you have to do it with javascript, then you're easiest method would be to just style the dynamic object when it's created.
If you can't do that, you could create a CSS rule with javascript.
Working example:
var html = '<div id="dinamic_div"><img src="" id="send_button"></div>';
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css";
style.innerHTML = "#send_button {opacity: 0.2;}";
Working demo: