I'm trying to use jExpand (http://www.jankoatwarpspeed.com/expand-table-rows-with-jquery-jexpand-plugin/) just for some lines of my table, not the every lines !
You can see here on the demo link :
You can expand every line (every country) to get more informations.
I my case I want to make expandable just some lines not every lines.
For example I want to make expandable just "United Kingdom" and "India" lines.
How i need to do ?
I tried to delete div class="arrow"></div>
but we still can expand the line :/
Add a class
to the rows that you don't want to expand and ignore them in the script.
In my example I added the class .nope
$("#report tr:odd:not(.nope)").addClass("master");
$("#report tr:not(.master, .nope)").hide();
$("#report tr:first-child").show();
$("#report tr.master").click(function(){