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Unable to Populate select-option tag using g:select in Groovy

I am trying to run the sample Collab-Todo application as in book Beginning Groovy and Grails,page no.123 (Author:Christopher M. Judd,Joseph Faisal Nusairat,and James Shingler Publication:Apress and Edition:2008). Here is my User.groovy file:

package collab.todo

class User {

    String userName
    String firstName
    String lastName
    static hasMany = [todos: Todo, categories: Category]
    static constraints = {
    String toString () {
        "$lastName, $firstName"

The UserController.groovy is as Follows:

package collab.todo

class UserController {

    def scaffold = User
    def login = {

    def handleLogin = {
        def user = User.findByUserName(params.userName)
        if (!user) {
            flash.message = "User not found for userName: ${params.userName}"
        session.user = user
    def logout = {
        if(session.user) {
            session.user = null

I am able to create,read,update or delete the User table as usual.Here is a sample screenshot of my User view: The User List In the scaffolding view, I am trying to show the list of all the users in a drop-down(as per the book) using following snippet inside the user/login.gsp:

<g:select name='userName' from="${User?.list()}"
               optionKey="userName" optionValue="userName"></g:select>

But what I am getting in the login page is a dropdown with no values populated: Here is the screenshot of the login page: The user/login.gsp view

In case I change




I am getting a NullPointerException. So any clues what is going on?


  • It looks like the User class could not be found from your view.

    Try one of the following:

    Add the import statement to your view.

    <%@ page import="collab.todo.User" %>

    Or use the fully qualified name within from attribute.


    The best practice would be to pass the list of users from the controller:

    def login = {
        [users: User.list()]

    And use the collection within your view
