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MATLAB creating of struct-vector

Given some data - for example (in my case) - like the following tabular

Name  |pos_x|pos_y|pos_z
Point1|   .1|   .1|   .2
Point2|  0.0|  0.0|   .1
Middle|   .1|   .2|   .1
Point3|  0.0|    1|  0.0

and maybe after importing that data from excel all values are stored in a cell array (lets call it celldata).
For testing purposes this cell could be created with the line

celldata={'Point1' .1 .1 .2;'Point2' 0 0 .1;'Middle' .1 .2 .1;'Point3' 0 1 0}

For this example the cell is of size 4x4.

At the moment I'm creating a structure with the following lines,1));

This results in point size 1x1 Class struct. I'm looking for an efficient way to generate it as point size 4x1 Class struct - thus one element for each line in the tabular above - all with the same inner structure: a name and the coordinates.
I already tried cell2struct, but that is only able to unfold along one dimension without grouping some colums together - as far as I tried.
Further, this is not a duplicate of Preallocate structure of cells in matlab as in this case here, I have many different columns - or maybe even a dynamic count of columns.


  • cellData = {'Name', 'pos_x', 'pos_y'; 'Harry', 34, 2; 'Bernard', 5, 11}


    for col = 1:size(cellData ,2)
        fieldName = cellData{1, col};
        c = cellData (2:end, col);
        [point(1:length(c)).(fieldName)] = c{:};


    ans = 
         Name: 'Harry'
        pos_x: 34
        pos_y: 2
    ans = 
         Name: 'Bernard'
        pos_x: 5
        pos_y: 11


    If you want to only have 2 fields, i.e. Name and posxyz then:

     [M, N] = size(celldata);
     names = celldata(:,1);
     [point(1:M).Name] = names{:};
     xyz = mat2cell(cell2mat(celldata(:,2:end)), ones(M,1), N - 1);
     [point(1:M).posxyz] = xyz{:};

    now for celldata={'Point1' .1 .1 .2;'Point2' 0 0 .1;'Middle' .1 .2 .1;'Point3' 0 1 0}

    ans = 
              Name: 'Point1'
            posxyz: [0.1000 0.1000 0.2000]
    ans = 
          Name: 'Point2'
        posxyz: [0 0 0.1000]