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is there a standard way to define a JDBC Datasource for Java EE containers?

I know that for JBoss you need a [name]-ds.xml file in the /deploy subdirectory of the appropriate instance. i dont have any experience with other Java EE containers, but im trying to stick to standards as much as possible. is there a standard way to define a JDBC datasource and deploy it ? if possible i'd like to include my datasource inside the *.ear file (for instance, an embedded in-memory HSQLDB datasource for demo purposes) ?

if there is no standard way, will other containers at least accept the jboss way ? (/deploy/*-ds.xml)


  • Is there a standard way to define a JDBC datasource and deploy it?

    Yes, there is. It's done via the <data-source> element, which you can put in web.xml, ejb-jar.xml and application.xml. If you don't like XML, you can also use an annotation for this instead: @DataSourceDefinition

    Example of a web.xml entry


    Further reading:

    p.s. I'm surprised all other answers say this doesn't exist, while it clearly does, even at the time this question was originally asked.