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Can not unbind the key End to "text end" on the Eclipse Juno

Any ideas?
Eclipse always asks me if "Text end" should be executed or "Line end" should be executed when I press the key END.
After I unbind the key bind of "Text end" on Preferences, Eclipse still asks me.

Version: Juno Release Build id: 20120614-1722


  • Apparently there is a bug in Juno such that there appears to be a key conflict for the HOME and END keys even when the preferences don't indicate one. The restore defaults button does not correct the problem unless you first create a conflict manually, and then use the restore defaults button.

    1. Go to Window->Preferences->General->Keys
    2. Make "Line Start" and "Text Start" both use ONLY the HOME key, to create a conflict.
    3. Make "Line End" and "Text End" both use ONLY the END key, to create a conflict.
    4. Click Apply and then OK
    5. Go again to Window->Preferences->General->Keys
    6. Click "Restore Defaults"
    7. Click Apply and then OK

    This should put things back into sync, and fix the problem; at least it did for me on Juno for 32-bit Windows 7.