I have a grid, which has lots of columns which are almost identical, they have the same names, but with a different number on the end. They use the same renderer functions, but with a different parameter value, and so on...
These column definitions are relatively long (5-10 lines). Is there a way to generate them threw a loop or something? It would make my code nicer and a lot more compact.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can. You can also generate your column configuration on the server.
Here can you see how you can do it:
Ext.define('mynamespace.Grid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel'
// ... your grid configuration
initComponent: function() {
var cm = [];
Ext.each(columnsArray, function(rec) {
var col = {
text: rec.name,
dataIndex: rec.dataIndex
// ... renderer and so on
}, this);
this.columns = {
items: cm