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Running p2.process.artifacts in Jenkins

I read the SO post Running P2 Ant tasks outside Eclipse, which was a great help. I am trying to call p2.process.artifacts, however I am not sure what arguments should I pass to java task call. What should value for application argument be and how can I pass augment for jar signing (p2.process.arifacts:sign) to this call which is nested in p2.process.artifacts element?

Thanks, Alex


  • If you want to run with Java calling Eclipse's AntRunner to run an ant script (eg., build.xml) containing the task, you could do it like this:

      java -cp /path/to/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar \
          org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main -consoleLog -nosplash -data /tmp \
          -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -f build.xml

    Then build.xml would be something like:

    <project default="pack">
      <target name="pack">
        <property name="workDir" value="${basedir}/somerepofolder/"/>
        <p2.process.artifacts pack="true" repositoryPath="file:${workDir}" />