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Symfony2 Doctrine querybuilder where IN

I losted trilion hours google this but none of the solutions were good.

I have this querybuilder:

        ->where(" IN(:followeeIds)")
        ->andWhere('s.admin_status = false')
        ->setParameter('user', $user)
        ->setParameter('followeeIds', $arrayFolloweeIds)

I could do a second query and then do like $qb->getDQL() but have would i cache the query ?


Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens


  • You are setting the user parameter but I do not see it being used in the query anywhere?

    Also I had issues with WHERE IN and Doctrine QueryBuilder with arrays would give me a similar error, and oddly enough running array_values before binding the parameter seemed to solve those issues as well.


            ->where(" IN(:followeeIds)")
            ->andWhere('s.admin_status = false')
            ->setParameter('followeeIds', array_values($arrayFolloweeIds))