I'm using MyFaces 1.1.7 with Facelets and Tomahawk.
When creating a regular data table, like:
<h:dataTable value = "#{Datamanager.data}" var = "row">
<f:facet name = "header">
<h:outputText value = "Name" />
<h:outputText value = "#{row}" />
I get a HTML generated table with a header like:
<div id="j_id4:j_id6">Name</div>
<tbody id="j_id4:tbody_element">
However, to conform with WAI validation I would love to have the "scope" attribute on that header (even when the scope is only 1 column). Does anyone know how to add it (either by having MyFaces add it by default, or by adding an extra attribute) so that I get a header like:
<th scope="col">
<div id="j_id4:j_id6">Name</div>
I have tried using like:
<f:facet name = "header">
<f:attribute name="scope" value="col" />
<h:outputText value = "Name" />
with no success.
This seems to have been fixed in MyFaces 1.2