I develop in Spring MVC + Apache Tiles + JSPX in my system.
I would like to put login form in every page. In the login process I would like to use @ModelAttribute("loginModel")
In Spring docs page I red that I must define a method in every controller, where I want to display that model like this:
public LoginDTO loginModel() {
return new LoginDTO();
Is there any way that I define it only one controller, and works in every page where I write the login Form jsp?
Thanks your answare!
If you are using Spring 3.2 or later you can use the new @ControllerAdvice annotation. From the documentation of @ModelAttribute:
@ModelAttribute methods can also be defined in an @ControllerAdvice-annotated class and such methods apply to all controllers. The @ControllerAdvice annotation is a component annotation allowing implementation classes to be autodetected through classpath scanning.
In your case, I guess it would look something like:
public class GlobalControllerAdvice {
public LoginDTO loginModel() {
return new LoginDTO();