I have 1000 words in 3 different dialects for the Gaelic language. I have each word in the form of three mp3 recordings. I wish to have functionality in my application, be it a website or a mobile app, which allows me to speak a word and in turn find the best match, or matches, with respect to the 1000 words.
So if I speak in the word "bheadh" I would expect to be prompted by, for example, the words bheadh, bheidh, bheith and bith.
What is the technical term for this process?
Suppose I also wanted to lookup phrases, for example: "rud ar bith"
What reliable open source software libraries exist in this regard. I program primarily in C++ and Python.
What is the technical term for this process?
Speech recognition
What reliable open source software libraries exist in this regard. I program primarily in C++ and Python.