I am trying to dynamically add a bunch of images to my page in jQuery
, and then use the pixastic image processing library to modify them. The user enters some search criteria, the list of image URLs is returned I append them to my content area and then try to do something- invert them for example. Here is my code:
function loadImages() {
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: "/reporter/api/ezdz/getslides/",
data: {
'startDate': $( "#startdate" ).val(),
'endDate': $( "#enddate" ).val()
success: function ( data ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
var imgname = "imgename" + i;
$( "#imagecontentarea" ).append( '<img id=' + imgname + ' src="' + data[i].ImageUrl + '" />' );
$( imgname ).one( 'load', function () {
$( imgname ).pixastic( "invert" );
} );
} );
The images are returned just fine, and my load event is even fired... but the images don't change.
This code however works fine if I call it from document.ready:
$( "#imagecontentarea" ).append( '<img id="testimg" src="http://localhost/thumbnail.jpg" />' );
$("#testimg").one('load', function() {
$( "#testimg" ).pixastic( "invert" );
I would prefer to operate on each image as it is loaded, rather than wait til they all load then start inverting them. I looked at the imagesloaded library but it looks like that operates on a parent container (?
Anyways, what am I doing wrong here?
Try changing your success function to this:
success: function ( data ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
var imgname = "imgename" + i;
$( "#imagecontentarea" ).append( '<img id=' + imgname + ' src="' + data[i].ImageUrl + '" />' );
(function (imgname) {$( imgname ).one( 'load', function () {
$( imgname ).pixastic( "invert" );
} );})(imgname);
Your code was not saving imgname
in the closure, so you were operating on the last name in the loop.
EDIT: Another possibility is to use a class:
success: function ( data ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
var imgname = "imgename" + i;
$( "#imagecontentarea" ).append( '<img class="imagename" id=' + imgname + ' src="' + data[i].ImageUrl + '" />' );
$(".imagename").one( 'load', function () {
$(this).pixastic( "invert" );
} );