I am using play 2.1.1 and I am having issues iterating through an array. I had read somewhere that you can create a reads for a List[Object] but everytime I try to do this I get an error "No unapply function found"
for the line that says
implicit val userListReads: Reads[List[FBUser]] = Json.reads[List[FBUser]]". The issue is " = Json.reads[List[FBUser]]
I am at a loss of what else to try. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
def linkUsers() = Action { implicit request =>
val json = Json.parse("{\"data\": [{\"name\": \"Me Lazyan\",\"id\": \"1182\"},{\"name\": \"Chales Dselle\",\"id\": \"10115\"},{\"name\": \"Be My\",\"id\": \"10275\"},{\"name\": \"De Rwani\", \"id\": \"11189\"},{\"name\": \"Phoe Johon\", \"id\": \"11372\"}]}")
val peoples = json.validate[List[FBUser]].get
Ok(json).withHeaders(CONTENT_TYPE -> "text/json")
case class FBUser(
name: String,
id: String
object FBUser {
/** Uses a Scala Macro to define the Reads function */
implicit val userReads: Reads[FBUser] = Json.reads[FBUser]
implicit val userListReads: Reads[List[FBUser]] = Json.reads[List[FBUser]]
Your json
value is an object with field data
containing an array. You are trying to parse the single object as an array. You would either have to change json
val json = Json.parse("[{\"name\": \"Me Lazyan\",\"id\": \"1182\"},{\"name\": \"Chales Dselle\",\"id\": \"10115\"},{\"name\": \"Be My\",\"id\": \"10275\"},{\"name\": \"De Rwani\", \"id\": \"11189\"},{\"name\": \"Phoe Johon\", \"id\": \"11372\"}]")
or change your code to
val people = (json \ "data").validate[List[FBUser]].get