I'm using Embarcadero's C++ builder XE
String command1 = "FREQ ";
String command2 = " Mhz\n";
int index = Form1->ListBox1->ItemIndex;
String full = command1.operator +=(IntToStr((index+2)*10)).operator +=(command2);
and on the last line I get E2031 Cannot cast from 'UnicodeString' to 'unsigned char*'
What I'm sending is a command for my device (receiver) which format is (command, lenght_of_command). When I send it in plan text like
TcpClient1->SendBuf((BYTE*)"FREQ 330.5 MHz\n",15,0);Sleep(30);
everything is ok. Much thanks for any help.
I would just use sprintf
char command[999];
sprintf(command, "FREQ %d MHz\n", (index+2)*10);