I develop PhoneGap application with using jquery-mobile and gmap-plugin. I have some code and some trouble with it.
str = '';
t.executeSql('SELECT name,address FROM table', [], function(t, res) {
for(var i=0; i<res.rows.length; i++) {
str += '<option selected="" value="'+res.rows.item(i).address+'">'+
res.rows.item(i).name + '</option>';
$('#selectMenu').on('change', function () {
function setMarks (){
$('#map_canvas').gmap('clear', 'markers');
var el;
$("#selectMenu option:selected").each(function () {
el = $(this);
$('#map_canvas').gmap('search', { 'address': el.val() }, function(results, status) {
if ( status === 'OK' ) {
$('#map_canvas').gmap('addMarker', { 'position': results[0].geometry.location, 'bounds': true,
'html': "<h3>"+el.text()+"</h3><p>"+el.val()+"</p>"},
function(map, marker) {
$(marker).click(function() {
$('#map_canvas').gmap('openInfoWindow',{'content': $(this).attr('html')}, this);
return false;
In callback function of method search object el is last in my collection of selected elements, but I would like to see every object. Maybe someone faced with problem like this one. Thanks!
I decided make differently. Not sure that it is the best way, but it works for me. I use global array of markers. In callback function of marker click event I get index of current marker. By this index I get option from selectmenu and past into infoWindow information I need.
var arMarkers = new Array();
function arMarkersIndexOf(o) {
for (var i = 0; i < arMarkers.length; i++) {
if (arMarkers[i].getPosition() == o.getPosition()) {
return i;
return -1;
var str = '';
t.executeSql('SELECT name,address FROM table', [], function(t, res) {
for(var i=0; i<res.rows.length; i++) {
str += '<option selected="" value="' +
res.rows.item(i).address + '" data-index="' + i.toString() + '" data-seq="' + res.rows.item(i).MainOrg + '">' +
res.rows.item(i).name + '</option>';
$('#map_canvas').gmap('search', { 'address': res.rows.item(i).address },
function(results, status) {
if ( status === 'OK' ) {
$('#map_canvas').gmap('addMarker', { 'position': results[0].geometry.location, 'bounds': true},
function(map, marker) {
$(marker).click(function() {
var i = arMarkersIndexOf(this);
$('#map_canvas').gmap('openInfoWindow', {'content': '<h3>' + $('#selectMenu option[data-index="' + i.toString() + '"]').text() + '</h3>' +
'<h4>' + $('#selectMenu option[data-index="' + i.toString() + '"]').data('seq') + '</h4>' +
'<p>' + $('#selectMenu option[data-index="' + i.toString() + '"]').val() + '</p>'}, this);
return false;