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Right click not working on JFrame

I have been working on how to enable the right click and show a popup menu it was asked earlier at Enable right click in jFrame but it was not as useful actually my problem is that I am facing the left click as enable also my piece of code that I have been using is:

     private void jTextField1MousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt){
        if (!evt.isPopupTrigger()){
 , evt.getX(), evt.getY());

The problem is that the left mouse click is also popping up a menu. What I want is to just pop up the menu on the right click. Please suggest me a solution and the blunder I'm doing here Thanks in advance


  • I think this code snippet will help you:

    if (evt.getModifiers() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK){  
        //right click  

    For further information see the JDoc of MouseEvent.