I'm writing virtual disk driver, and there I have structure defined like that:
typedef struct _MOUNT_NEW_QUERY {
PWCHAR imagePath;
WCHAR letter;
PCHAR key;
So I have sort of dynamically sized structure.
How must I pass it from User Mode to my driver?
Allocate a continuous chunk of memory, sufficient to hold both your struct and the data for "key" and "path" - something like this:
/* we add + 1 for terminating NULLs to make life easy */
size_t keyLen = (strlen(key) + 1);
size_t imgLen = (wcslen(imagePath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
PMOUNT_NEW_QUERY pMNQ = malloc(sizeof(MOUNT_NEW_QUERY) + keyLen + imgLen);
if(pMNQ != NULL)
/* make imagePath point to the allocated buffer immediately after
* the MOUNT_NEW_QUERY portion
pMNQ->imagePath = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pMNQ + sizeof(MOUNT_NEW_QUERY));
/* make the key point to the allocated buffer immediately after
* the imagePath portion (including a NULL WCHAR terminator)
pMNQ->key = (PCHAR)((PBYTE)pMNQ + sizeof(MOUNT_NEW_QUERY) + imgLen);
/* populate the data here appropriately, typically with strcpy
* and wcscpy, and then send the IOCTL
When you call the IOCTL for your driver, pass the total size of the buffer, not just the sizeof the MOUNT_NEW_QUERY structure.