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Use Maven for dependencies together with GWT Plugin?

So far I'm not using maven for a GWT project. When I deploy it to the GAE Google App Engine, I just have to right click > Google > Deploy to App Engine. Then the war folder is generated automatically and everything runs fine.

If I change the project to maven structure, the menu point in project settings > Google > Web Application tells me: Launch and deploy from this directory (disabled because Maven).

As a result, when deploying, the war folder is not generated/updated!

So: how can I use maven for dependency management, and still use the GWT/GAE Eclipse Plugin to deploy and start my app?


  • You might want to go through this introductory exercise in maven :

    What you are describing is possible, but takes some work and understanding of maven to accomplish. If you would like to convert your project to maven, it might take a bit more work than just changing the project to the maven structure in eclipse. An example maven project for App Engine is here : . Some App Engine specific docs on maven are here :