My goal is to send different kind of messages from client to server, and it will be text based. The thing I am uncertain of is how to del with partial reads here. I will have to be sure that I get a whole message and nothing more.
Do anyone have experience with that?
Here is what I have so far:
private void handleNewClientMessage(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
SocketChannel sendingChannel = (SocketChannel);
ByteBuffer receivingBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048);
int bytesRead =;
if (bytesRead > 0) {
byte[] array = new byte[receivingBuffer.limit()];
String message = new String(array);
System.out.println("Server received " +message);
But I have no way of "ending" the message and be certain to have one full message.
Best regards, O
You can never be sure you won't read more than one message unless you only read one byte at a time. (Which I don't suggest).
Instead I would read as much as you can into a ByteBuffer and then parse it to find the end of the message e.g. a newline for text.
When you find the end of a line extract it and convert it to a String and process it. repeat until you have a partial message (or nothing left)
If you find you have only part of a message, you compact() (if position() > 0) when you have and try to read() some more.
This will allows you to read as many messages at once as you can but can also handle incomplete messages.
Note: You will need to keep the ByteBuffer for a connection so you know what partial messages you have read before.
Note: this is will not work if you have a message which is larger than your buffer size. I suggest using a recycled direct ByteBuffer of say 1+ MB. With direct ByteBuffers only the pages of the ByteBuffer which are used get allocated to real memory.
If you are concerned about performance I would re-use your byte[]
where possible. You only need to re-allocate it if you need more space than you have already.
BTW, You might find using a BufferedReader with Plain IO is much simpler to use, but still performance well enough.