I have a windows form application in that i have resource file(.resx)
here i write all my error messages like below
<data name="Link_Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The Link Name must be not blank and not greater than 255 symbols.</value>
Here i understood name is the name of the resource which needs to be accessed and the value is the value of the resource
But i did not get what is xml:space="preserve"
i have one more option there default
xml:space="preserve" makes that whitespaces at the begin of the tag is not removed. (And also if you place more than one whitespace together)
<data name="Link_Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value> The Link Name must be not blank and not greater than 255 symbols.</value>
Now the value will be:
" The Link Name must be not blank and not greater than 255 symbols."
If xml:space is not set:
<data name="Link_Name">
<value> The Link Name must be not blank and not greater than 255 symbols.</value>
The value will be:
"The Link Name must be not blank and not greater than 255 symbols."
So xml:space="preserve" preserves the whtespaces at begin of the tag.