I'm generating XML from a list of text within a worksheet but I cant figure out how to check if the current cell has a bold word within it. What I need to do is check each cell in column A, read the text into a string, if I hit any bold words add the tags around it.
I know you can read a cells contents character by character but not its formatting.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is a way that you can use to check if the cell has
Sub Sample()
Debug.Print Range("A1").Font.Bold
Debug.Print Range("A2").Font.Bold
Debug.Print Range("A3").Font.Bold
End Sub
To check if a cell has any bold character you can use this function as well (Either from VBA or Worksheet)
'~~> This is an additional function which will return...
'~~> TRUE if Cell has mixed/all chars as bold
'~~> FALSE if cell doesn't have any character in bold.
'~~> This can also be used as a worksheet function.
Function FindBoldCharacters(ByVal aCell As Range) As Boolean
FindBoldCharacters = IsNull(aCell.Font.Bold)
If Not FindBoldCharacters Then FindBoldCharacters = aCell.Font.Bold
End Function
And you can use .Characters().Font.FontStyle
to check if each character is bold or not. Use the above Range A1
Sub Sample()
For i = 1 To Len(Range("A1").Value)
Debug.Print Range("A1").Characters(i, 1).Font.FontStyle
Next i
End Sub
Modified Code
Sub Sample()
For i = 1 To Len(Range("A1").Value)
If Range("A1").Characters(i, 1).Font.FontStyle = "Bold" Then
Debug.Print "The " & i & " character is in bold."
End If
Next i
End Sub