I have to do a "detailed report" ordered by location, provider or asset description the thing is, although i get the proper result I'd like to display results like
Location 1:
Table here with assets located in that location
Location 2:
Table with assets located in this location...
Same with providers and descriptions...
My PHP and other languages knowledge is limited. So, I thought of doing something like...
Get the array (the full array not just a row) and then checking if the location in array[i]
is equal to array[i+1]
then print a <td>
with the row data otherwise ending that table and then creating a new
and finally another table with the rows that match that location...
How can i do this in PHP?
This what I currently have
This is what I'd like to do
This is what i'm doing in PHP
echo "<table>
<th>Costo Adquisición</th>
<th>Saldo a Depreciar de Activos</th>
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)){
echo "</tbody>
First you should put all of the data into a local array and then use the local array to deal with it.
so you could have:
$theArray = array(); //Array to hold data
$headerIds = array(); //Array to hold unique id of the records
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($result)){
array_push($theArray, $row);
if(!in_array($row["Ubicacion_actual"], $headerIds))
array_push($headerIds, $row["Ubicacion_actual"]);
foreach($headerIds as $id)
//Print the header info
//Loop through each item in your data array until its id matches the header id
foreach($theArray as $dataItem)
if($dataItem["Ubicacion_actual"] == $id) //This line item has the same id as the header
//Display the table row data