I am using ZendServer-CE-php-5.3.14-5.6.0-SP4-Windows_x86(zend server+zend framework1) on my win7 machine.
I used ZendStudio.exe to create a project zf-tutorial1,
use below zf commands to create 3 actions:
zf create action add Index
zf create action edit Index
zf create action delete Index
I checked D:\program files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf
a. LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
(it is enabled by default)
b. changed AllowOverride None
to AllowOverride All
, there are 3 places.
Then, I open below urls:
... works well, shows "welcome to the zend framework..."
... shows "An error occurred Page not found"
So what is the problem? so strange, yesterday it works well, but today when I turn on my computer, it shows "page not found", so strange.
Found out the reason: I put the wrong url, right one is: http://localhost/zf-tutorial/public/index/add