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.Net remoting: Know in a service if the call have been made locally or remotely?

I currently have a .Net remoting service that can be accessed by different ways:

  • Locally through an IPC channel
  • Remotely through a TCP channel
  • Locally through a TCP channel

I need to known, in one of my service method, if the call has been made locally or remotely(depending on a licence, I've to send smaller data remotely).

I can't find a way to find this.

I've already a custom IServerChannelSink, I thought that I can detect which type of channel is used of this call, and if it's a TCP one, check it's IP, but I can't find how.

Do you have any idea about how to check if we have a local call or not?

Thank you for the help


  • This question shows how to identify the client using its IP address. As you've already got a custom server channel sink it should be fairly straight forward.