Running in Eclipse Juno.
@Cucumber.Options(format={"pretty", "html:target/cucumber"})
public class RunTests {
In the console window I see:
Feature: Depositing money
Scenario: Sunny day [90m# deposit.feature:3[0m
Given: I have an Account with a balance of $100
When: I deposit $20
Then: The Account balance should be $120
Question: What is the [90m# and 3[0m about?
In target/cucumber/index.html, I see:
Feature: Depositing money
Scenario: Sunny day
Given: I have an Account with a balance of $100
When: I deposit $20
Then: The Account balance should be $120
I was assuming that if I run the tests on a new feature that does not have step definitions, that cucumber-jvm would spit out skeleton definitions for the steps that I could copy from the console window into a java file. Is that not how this works?
Cucumber should provide step definition skeletons in the console window. Have you tried to run them from your terminal?
Question: What is the [90m# and 3[0m about?
These are encoding to provide color. Probably due to your use of the PrettyFormatter.