I want to do this with all the navigation menu links on my site. (I know, it sounds crazy, but I thought I'd give it a try and see if it looks cool) I already have a site that uses css and onhover to change the color of the links in the navigation menu when the mouse hovers over it. But I want to make the font also rapidly change font face until the mouseout event. So, here is the script section that I have in the head section.
var changeVar;
var font = "Impact";
changeText() {
if font == "Impact" {
font = "Courier";
font = "Impact";
And here is the navigation link I'm using to test it.
<li><a href="tops.html" id="tops" onmouseover="changeVar=setInterval('changeText()', 10);" onmouseout="clearTimeout(changeVar)">Tops</a></li>
Even though I put that stuff in there, the page does exactly the same thing it did before I put the JavaScript in there. The JavaScript just isn't working at all. Why doesn't it work?
Is this what you are trying to do?
a.navlinkOff {
font-family: Arial !important;
a.navlinkOver1 {
font-family: Courier !important;
a.navlinkOver2 {
font-family: Impact !important;
<a id="navlink1" href="#" class="navlinkOff">Resource 1</a>
<br />
<a id="navlink2" href="#" class="navlinkOff">Resource 2</a>
<br />
<a id="navlink3" href="#" class="navlinkOff">Resource 3</a>
<br />
<a id="navlink4" href="#" class="navlinkOff">Resource 4</a>
<br />
<a id="navlink5" href="#" class="navlinkOff">Resource 5</a>
<br />
var navlinks = document.querySelectorAll("[id^=navlink]");
var delay = 250; // milliseconds
var fired = false;
var id = {};
function defaultClass(evt) {
evt.target.className = "navlinkOff";
fired = false;
function changeClass(evt) {
if (evt.target.className === "navlinkOver1") {
evt.target.className = "navlinkOver2";
} else {
evt.target.className = "navlinkOver1";
if (fired) {
fired = true;
id[evt.target.id] = setInterval(function () {
}, delay);
Array.prototype.forEach.call(navlinks, function (navlink) {
navlink.addEventListener("mouseout", defaultClass, false);
navlink.addEventListener("mouseover", changeClass, false);
on jsfiddle