I have an ellipse geometry. I want to show the radius of the ellipse by a line drawn from the center to the edge of the circle using C#. How can I achieve this?
Note: The center of the ellipse and the radius are not fixed and are defined by the user.
Suppose you have an ellipse with known center and radius:
Path path = new Path();
EllipseGeometry eg = new EllipseGeometry();
eg.Center = new Point(left + side / 2, top + side / 2);
eg.RadiusX = side / 2;
eg.RadiusY = side / 2;
path.Data = eg;
canvas1.Children.Add(paths[paths.Count - 1]);
path = new Path();
borderColor.Color = Colors.Red;
path.Stroke = borderColor;
path.StrokeThickness = 2;
LineGeometry r = new LineGeometry();
r.StartPoint = eg.Center;
r.EndPoint = new Point(eg.Center.X + eg.RadiusX, eg.Center.Y);
path.Data = r;
canvas1.Children.Add(paths[paths.Count - 1]);