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Clickable text in a JTextPane

I have a JTextPane declared like the following:

JTextPane box = new JTextPane();
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane();
StyledDocument doc = box.getStyledDocument();
scroll = new JScrollPane(box);

And I am appending text to it as follows:

public void appendChatText(String text)
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), text, null);
    catch(BadLocationException e)

I also managed to easily get the JTextPane to display images and components as necessary, but I can't figure out how to code clickable text into a JTextPane. For example, I want it to print a message that says something like, "File uploaded to server. Accept *Decline*" and if the user clicks on the accept or decline strings then it executes the appropriate function. Any ideas on how this could be effectively achieved?


  • I ended up solving this with a MouseListener and a class extending AsbstractAction. I added the text I wanted to be a clickable link to the JTextPane as follows:

    `Style regularBlue = doc.addStyle("regularBlue", StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE));
     StyleConstants.setForeground(regularBlue, Color.BLUE);
     StyleConstants.setUnderline(regularBlue, true);
     regularBlue.addAttribute("linkact", new ChatLinkListener(textLink));
     doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), textLink, regularBlue);`

    I initialised the MouseListener on the JTextPane elsewhere and added the following code to my listener class:

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
                Element ele = doc.getCharacterElement(chatbox.viewToModel(e.getPoint()));
                AttributeSet as = ele.getAttributes();
                ChatLinkListener fla = (ChatLinkListener)as.getAttribute("linkact");
                if(fla != null)

    And finally, this referenced the class that actually performs the action:

    class ChatLinkListener extends AbstractAction
            private String textLink;
            ChatLinkListener(String textLink)
                this.textLink = textLink;
            protected void execute()
                    //execute code
                else if("decline".equals(url))
                    //execute code
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)