I recently installed VS2012 on my home laptop to write some software for fun in my spare time. Here's the order in which the mishap happened:
Accidentally installed VS2012 for Windows 8 Apps. Realized that I actually wanted the Windows Desktop version.
Uninstall the above, install VS2012 for Windows Desktop.
Start writing software, everything is fine and compiles.
See random VS Folder that mentions Windows 8 on my start screen - permanently delete it from computer thinking it was related to #1.
My program no longer compiles, with the following common error:
error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib'
I searched my C-Drive to find the location of this file to try and diagnose the problem, except that it doesn't exist - I can't find it anywhere. I tried a fresh VS2012 install, and that was a bust - the same problem. I also tried to download the VS2012 SDK, but it won't install, insisting the VS2012 isn't installed, and that it's required.
What can I do!?
EDIT: I've tried to repair the install twice as well.
After multiple re-installs, repairs, and SDK reinstalls, the only thing that worked was a full system restore.