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Add selectedValue from selectonemenu to list

So, here's the deal: I have a selectOneMenu in my view:

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{personBean.person.personStates.state}" id="estadoRg"
    <f:selectItems value="#{stateBean.states}" var="state" 
        itemLabel=#{}" itemValue="#{state}">

Where personStates is a list containing person, state n date. Is it possible to add the value from the itemValue directly to the personStates list? (I have a addPersonState method autobuilt in my PersonModel)

If not, how should I do this? I don't want to add one state instance for each selectOneMenu (will be 5) in my personBean... Was it clear?


  • You should handle it via selectedState value and then you can bind it for specific person:

    <p:selectOneMenu value="#{stateBean.selectedState}" id="estadoRg"
        <f:selectItems value="#{stateBean.states}" var="state" 
            itemLabel=#{}" itemValue="#{state}">

    This is the way how p:selectOneMenu is used, to be able to bind selected state and the person call a method:

    <p:commandButton actionListener="#{personBean.matchStates}" />

    And backing bean method:

    public void matchStates {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ElContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        Object stateBean = elContext.getELResolver().getValue(elContext, null, "stateBean"). 
        State selectedState = stateBean.getSelectedState();
        personList.get(index).setState = selectedState;