I want to make an API(node.js) with a get function. The module I use supports a write, and all incoming data is emitted by an event which I can subscribe too. The underlying system is based on polling.
But I also want to add pollers that write (using setInterval). When I add an listener for requesting the rpm, I get the RPM information every second. When I call a get at the same time for vss, it's possible that the data.name and type don't match. And that messes up my get for now.
So basically, what could I fill in the else block, and what is best practice? Or is this whole design a bad practice? Should a get not be supported in this case?
function get(type, callback) {
sp.once('dataReceived', function (data) {
if(data.name === type) {
switch (data.name) {
case "rpm":
callback(new RPMEvent(data.value));
case "vss":
callback(new SpeedEvent(data.value));
console.log('Not supported yet.');
} else {
console.log('Collision with poller and get. Not supported yet.');
//What to do here? I should addlistener again?
The 'dataReceived' event can be emitted more because of pollers on different variables (rpm/vss). How to get the right value for the get?
The longer I think about it, the more I think I should not support a get function while this dataReceived event is triggered by pollers too.
Solved it. I'm removing the listener when there is a match, and I'm not using once anymore.
function get(type, callback) {
var getMessageHandler = function (data) {
if(data.name === type) {
switch (data.name) {
case "rpm":
callback(new RPMEvent(data.value));
case "vss":
callback(new SpeedEvent(data.value));
console.log('Not supported yet.');
this.removeListener('dataReceived', getMessageHandler);
} else {
console.log('Collision with listener and get. Not supported yet.');
//Do nothing, let the next thing come in. Will be caught by generalHandler.
sp.on('dataReceived', getMessageHandler);
//Request value after callback.