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JQuery: Order of events and traverse the DOM

I try the following:

One ul for the Links, another for the slides

<ul class="infoslider">
        <li><a data-orbit-link="slidegroup1" href="#">Slides1</a></li>
        <li><a data-orbit-link="slidegroup2" href="#">Slides2</a></li>

<ul id="infoslider">
    <li class=""        data-orbit-slide="slidegroup1">  <img src="img1.png" ></li>
    <li class="active"  data-orbit-slide="">             <img src="img2.png" ></li>
    <li class=""        data-orbit-slide="slidegroup2">  <img src="img3.png" ></li>
    <li class=""        data-orbit-slide="">             <img src="img4.png" ></li>

The field to click for "next"

<a class="orbit-next" href="#">Next</a>

I click on "orbit-next" to forward the slides.

With JQuery I check the #infoslider li data-orbit-slide-attribute. If it is empty it traverses up until it finds on with a string in it. Then it adds the corresponding ul.infoslide li the active-class.

$j("a.orbit-next").click(function() {

    //select the active li
    var test = $j("#infoslider >");

    //test, if there is a string in "data-orbit-slide"
    if (test.attr("data-orbit-slide").length > 0) {     
        var link = test.attr("data-orbit-slide");
        } else {        
        //if not, get the elements
        var term1 = document.getElementById('infoslider');
        //and traverse up until a string is found
        var link = $j("#infoslider").prevUntil(term1,"li[data-orbit-slide!='']").attr("data-orbit-slide");        

        //select the coresponding a in div.infoslider
        var target = $j("a[data-orbit-link='" + link + "']").parent();  

        //remove the classes active
        $j("div.infoslider > ul > li").removeClass("active");
        //add the active class

This works almost fine. But:

  1. The ul.infoslider li is always "one behind". I.e. when slide img3.png shows up, the active class is still on "slidegroup1". Not till "img4.png" shows up "slidegroup2" gets the active-class. Why? Has it something to do with the order of events executed by JQuery/Orbit-Slider/my JQuery?
  2. Is there an easier way to achieve what I want?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Try the following and Your code should work fine."active");

    As an alternate implementation, You can use the Jquery data() utility to store the active slide information. This way the traversal up the list can be avoided. I have done a bit of optimization so that multiple DOM traversals can be avoided.

    Here is the code snippet.

    $(function () {
        //select the active li
        var $activeSlide = $("#infoslider >");
        $("a.orbit-next").click(function () {
            if (!$activeSlide.length) { return; }
            var $nextSlide = $;
            if (!$nextSlide.length) { return; }
            var slideGroup;
            //test, if there is a string in "data-orbit-slide"
            if ($nextSlide.attr("data-orbit-slide").length > 0) {
                slideGroup = $nextSlide.attr("data-orbit-slide");
                $(this).data("slideGroup", slideGroup);
            } else {
                slideGroup = $(this).data("slideGroup");
            //remove the classes active
            $("ul.infoslider > li").removeClass('active');
            //select the coresponding a in div.infoslider
            $("a[data-orbit-link='" + slideGroup + "']").parent().addClass("active");
            $activeSlide = $nextSlide;