When generating DTO objects, hibernate tools generate comments in the header:
// Generated 22 avr. 2013 20:29:27 by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1
Every generation the comments change (as they contains the generation date/time).
The problem is that in my SVN I end up having many non-usefull changes, so I have to check every single generated file to see whether to commit (if it contains actuals changes) or override it (if it's only the header).
Is there a way to avoid generating said header ?
Thank you.
You would have to customize the Freemarker template which is found in hibernate-tools.jar
. Navigate to the /pojo/Pojo.ftl
and remove the line // Generated ${date} by Hibernate Tools ${version}
Checking this out might help: https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=989777&view=next
An example of a Hibernate tool Ant task (by specifying templatepath
and hbmtemplate
<hibernatetool destdir="hibernate-model-gen/pojo" templatepath="hibernate-model-gen/customized-templates">
<jdbcconfiguration configurationfile="hibernate-model-gen/hibernate.cfg.xml" packagename="open.pub.proto.core.model" revengfile="hibernate-model-gen\gen-conf\hibernate.reveng.xml" detectmanytomany="true" />
<hbmtemplate templateprefix="pojo/" template="pojo/Pojo.ftl" filepattern="{package-name}/{class-name}.java">
<property key="jdk5" value="true" />
<property key="ejb3" value="true" />