I have a simple implementation of JTree:
tree1 = new JTree(LibObj.collectionToStringArray(LibObj.books));
scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(tree1);
scrollPane2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 300));
LibObj.collectionToStringArray(LibObj.books) is a method in another class that takes a collection and turns it into an array of strings
Everything is displaying as expected but the root directory is named "Root". How do I change the name? (I want it to be called Books)
Using the constructor JTree(TreeNode node) would give you the chance to create your own root node.
Just like this:
DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root node name");
for( String book : booksArray ) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode bookNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(book);
tree1 = new JTree(rootNode);