I created backpropagation Neural Network using Matlab. I tried to implement XOR gate using Matlab, then getting its weight and bias to create neural network in java. Network consist of 2 input neuron, 2 hidden layer each using 2 neuron and 1 output neuron. After train network, i got following weight and bias :
i = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1];
o = [0 1 1 0];
net = newff(i,o,{2,2},{'tansig','logsig','purelin'});
net.IW{1,1} = [
-5.5187 -5.4490;
3.7332 2.7697
net.LW{2,1} = [
-2.8093 -3.0692;
-1.6685 6.7527
net.LW{3,2} = [
-4.9318 -0.9651
net.b{1,1} = [
net.b{2,1} = [
net.b{3,1} = [
input = net.IW{1,1};
layer = net.LW{2,1};
output = net.LW{3,2};
biasinput = net.b{1,1};
biaslayer = net.b{2,1};
biasoutput= net.b{3,1};
a = sim(net,i);
I simulate it using 1 and 1 as input got following result :
>> f = [1;1]
f =
>> sim(net,f)
ans =
Then I tried to make simple java code to count this neural network. My code :
public class Xor {
//Value of neuron
static double[] neuroninput = new double[2];
static double[] neuronhidden1 = new double[2];
static double[] neuronhidden2 = new double[2];
static double[] neuronoutput = new double[2];
//Weight variable init
//For first hidden layer
static double[] weighthidden11 = new double[2];
static double[] weighthidden12 = new double[2];
//for second hidden layer
static double[] weighthidden21 = new double[2];
static double[] weighthidden22 = new double[2];
//for output layer
static double[] weightoutput = new double[2];
//End of weight variable init
//Bias value input
static double[] biashidden1 = new double[2];
static double[] biashidden2 = new double[2];
static double[] biasoutput = new double[1];
public static void main(String[] args) {
neuroninput[0] = 1;
neuroninput[1] = 1;
weighthidden11[0] = -5.5187;
weighthidden11[1] = -5.4490;
weighthidden12[0] = 3.7332;
weighthidden12[1] = 2.7697;
weighthidden21[0] = -2.8093;
weighthidden21[1] = -3.0692;
weighthidden22[0] = -1.6685;
weighthidden22[1] = 6.7527;
weightoutput[0] = -4.9318;
weightoutput[1] = -0.9651;
biashidden1[0] = 2.1369;
biashidden1[1] = 2.6529;
biashidden2[0] = -0.2274;
biashidden2[1] = -4.9512;
biasoutput[0] = 1.4848;
//Counting each neuron (Feed forward)
neuronhidden1[0] = sigma(neuroninput,weighthidden11,biashidden1[0]);
neuronhidden1[0] = tansig(neuronhidden1[0]);
neuronhidden1[1] = sigma(neuroninput,weighthidden12,biashidden1[1]);
neuronhidden1[1] = tansig(neuronhidden1[1]);
neuronhidden2[0] = sigma(neuronhidden1,weighthidden21,biashidden2[0]);
neuronhidden2[0] = logsig(neuronhidden2[0]);
neuronhidden2[1] = sigma(neuronhidden1,weighthidden22,biashidden2[1]);
neuronhidden2[1] = logsig(neuronhidden2[1]);
neuronoutput[0] = sigma(neuronhidden2,weightoutput,biasoutput[0]);
neuronoutput[0] = purelin(neuronoutput[0]);
static double tansig(double x) {
double value = 0;
value = (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x)) / (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x));
return value;
static double logsig(double x) {
double value = 0;
value = 1 / (1+Math.exp(-x));
return value;
static double purelin(double x) {
double value = x;
return value;
static double sigma(double[] val, double[] weight, double hidden) {
double value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
value += (val[i] * weight[i]);
value += hidden;
return value;
But it got result as following :
My question, is there any error or my mistake in exporting weight and bias value from matlab to java? Maybe I made mistake in my java program? Thank you verymuch..
I think the problem is the normalization: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/14590
If you work with 0,1 inputs, you have to use the f(x)=2*x-1 normalization function, which transforms the values to the [-1; 1] interval, then g(x)=(x+1)/2 to transform back the output to [0; 1]. Pseudocode:
g( java_net( f(x), f(y) ) ) = matlab_net(x, y)
I tried this with an other network and worked for me.