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How to make the auto-complete information more compact in emacs-jedi?

I have been learning python about a month and I used emacs24.3 with jedi to write python code. The jedi works very well, I like it very much. However, I would like to make the auto-complete menu more compact: enter image description here We can see that the auto-complete information has some redundance and hide the doc information due to the auto-complete menu is too long. Instead of:

array                          Import: from numpy.core.numeric import array i
array_str                                       Function: numeric.array_str f
array_type Statement: array_type = [{balabalabalaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx }] s

I want something like this:

array               numpy.core.numeric i
array_str            numeric.array_str f
array_type              [{xxxxxx... }] s

And here is the auto-complete pop menu of PyCharm for comparison. enter image description here


  • There is a pull request for popup.el (emacs-jedi depends on auto-complete.el and auto-complete.el depends on popup.el) to fix this problem:

    You might want to watch this pull request. The review process is nearly finished.

    For meanwhile, if you don't want to hide popup documentation, you can use pos-tip.el (


    I think making summary information more compact is a good suggestion. Why not post a feature request in Jedi's issue tracker: