Search code examples

Using thickbox with imagekit

I want to use jQuery Thickbox for displaying my images but so far when I click on a thumbnail all I get is the loading progress bar. I've set up my display as below (maybe this will help)

<div class="thumbs">
  {% for p in photos %}
    <a href="{{ p.original_image.url }}" title="{{ p.position.position }}" class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle">
       <img src="{{ p.thumbnail_image.url }}" alt="{{ p.position.position }}" />
  {% endfor %}

The output for the above code is:

<div class="thumbs"> 
   <a href="/site_media/photos/16766966.jpg" title="Front" class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle"> 
      <img src="/site_media/photos/photos/16766966_thumbnail_image.jpg" alt="Front" /> 
   <a href="/site_media/photos/iPPJ3216_1.jpg" title="Side View" class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle"> 
      <img src="/site_media/photos/photos/iPPJ3216_1_thumbnail_image.jpg" alt="Side View" /> 
   <a href="/site_media/photos/2010-acura-mdx-15.jpg" title="Interior" class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle"> 
       <img src="/site_media/photos/photos/2010-acura-mdx-15_thumbnail_image.jpg" alt="Interior" /> 
    <a href="/site_media/photos/acura04.jpg" title="Dashboard" class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle"> 
        <img src="/site_media/photos/photos/acura04_thumbnail_image.jpg" alt="Dashboard" /> 

For the js and stylesheets, I've hooked them up as below:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/site_media/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/site_media/js/thickbox.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site_media/css/thickbox.css" media="screen" />


  • try


        return render_to_response('album.html',
                              {'photos': photos,

    in template always use the URL_MEDIA path, in my experiencie tickbox displays "loading" forever when img resource returns an error.

    <div class="thumbs">
      {% for p in photos %}
        <a href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ p.original_image.url }}" title="{{ p.position.position }}"      class="thickbox" rel="gallery-vehicle">
          <img src="{{ p.thumbnail_image.url }}" alt="{{ p.position.position }}" />
      {% endfor %}