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Check for IE 10

How can I make a message box appear on page load if the user is using IE 10?

function ieMessage() {
    alert("Hello you are using I.E.10");

My webpage is a JSF facelet (XHTML).


  • The real way to detect this, without conditional comments and without User Agent sniffing is with conditional compilation:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var isIE10 = false;
            if (/^10/.test(@_jscript_version)) {
                isIE10 = true;

    After running this code, you can use following anytime after:

    if (isIE10) {
        // Using Internet Explorer 10

    Reference: How can I detect IE10 from JS when browser mode is IE9?


    To avoid minification of comments, you can use something like:

    var IE = (function () {
        "use strict";
        var ret, isTheBrowser,
            jscriptMap, jscriptVersion;
        isTheBrowser = false;
        jscriptMap = {
            "5.5": "5.5",
            "5.6": "6",
            "5.7": "7",
            "5.8": "8",
            "9": "9",
            "10": "10"
        jscriptVersion = new Function("/*@cc_on return @_jscript_version; @*/")();
        if (jscriptVersion !== undefined) {
            isTheBrowser = true;
            actualVersion = jscriptMap[jscriptVersion];
        ret = {
            isTheBrowser: isTheBrowser,
            actualVersion: actualVersion
        return ret;

    And access the properties like IE.isTheBrowser and IE.actualVersion (which is translated from internal values of JScript versions).