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In contenteditable how do you add a paragraph after blockquote on Enter key press?

I have the following problem. Once I add a blockquote in contenteditable, by pressing Enter key it moves to a new line and adds another blockquote element. It goes on forever, and I can’t escape the formatting. The desired functionality would be that of the unordered list. When you press the Enter key it adds a new empty <li> element, but if you press Enter again, it escapes the formatting, removes the previously created <li> and adds a <p>.

Check out the demo:

One hack I found was to create an empty <p> under the blockquote, before you create a blockquote. But is there a way to break this formatting behaviour with JavaScript? No idea how I would check: if where the cursor is, it’s the end of the line and if it’s a blockquote and on Enter key press, don’t add a new blockquote.

I’m using this code to generate a blockquote in JS:

document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, 'blockquote');


  • While creating a rich text editor for an iOS application i faced the same problem. Every time i've inserted a <blockquote> tag in my text field and pressed Enter, it was impossible to get rid off the block-quote.

    After researching a bit, i've found a working solution.

    Finding inner HTML tags:

    function whichTag(tagName){
        var sel, containerNode;
        var tagFound = false;
        tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
        if (window.getSelection) {
            sel = window.getSelection();
            if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
                containerNode = sel.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
         }else if( (sel = document.selection) && sel.type != "Control" ) {
             containerNode = sel.createRange().parentElement();
         while (containerNode) {
             if (containerNode.nodeType == 1 && containerNode.tagName == tagName) {
                 tagFound = true;
                 containerNode = null;
                 containerNode = containerNode.parentNode;
         return tagFound;

    Checking for occurrences of the block-quote tag:

    function checkBlockquote(){
        var input = document.getElementById('text_field_id');
        input.onkeydown = function() {
            var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;
            if( key == 13){
                if (whichTag("blockquote")){

    Triggering the key down events:

    <body onLoad="checkBlockquote();">
    <!-- stuff... -->

    I believe the code above can be adjusted to fit your needs easily. If you need further help, feel free to ask.