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converting a string to double using atof in c

I am trying to read from a file and store it in a matrix using c. The code I have is

ReadSparseInput (int nvtxs,int nsize, double  vector[], int rowptr[] ,int colind [] , double values[])
    int index,row=0,column=0;
    int sparsity_value, nvtxs_local;
    int VECTOR_SIZE =50;
    double value;
    double  randvect[VECTOR_SIZE];
    int  length=0;
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    FILE *fp;
    fp=fopen("/home/lopez380/Parallel/m10-A.ij", "r");
    index =0;
    nvtxs_local = 0;
    rowptr[0] = 0;
    char *p1;
    while ( !feof(fp))
         // null buffer, read a line
        buf[0] = 0;
        fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp);
        // if it's a blank line, ignore
        if(strlen(buf) > 1) 
            p1 = strtok(buf, " ");
            #ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stdout, "Row : %d ", row);
            p1 = strtok(NULL, " ");
            #ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stdout, "column : %d ", column);
            p1 = strtok(NULL, " ");
            #ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stdout, "value : %g\n ", value);


    #ifdef DEBUG
    printf("lFileLen = %d\n", length);


The code works well when I take p1 and convert it to integer using atoi. But when I use atof to convert the value to float, I am getting a zero. my input looks like

0 0 1.76420546156578
0 3 -4.80876443295632
0 6 1.20260376970926
0 9 3.30693451100554
1 1 1.13901264701619
1 4 0.370358438592131
1 7 -0.551593262343761

After I read this input, when I print it I am getting

 Row : 0 column : 0 value : 0
 Row : 0 column : 3 value : 0
 Row : 0 column : 6 value : 0
 Row : 0 column : 9 value : 0
 Row : 1 column : 1 value : 0
 Row : 1 column : 4 value : 0
 Row : 1 column : 7 value : 0

when I use atoi , I get the following

Row : 0 column : 0 value : 1
 Row : 0 column : 3 value : -4
 Row : 0 column : 6 value : 1
 Row : 0 column : 9 value : 3
 Row : 1 column : 1 value : 1
 Row : 1 column : 4 value : 0
 Row : 1 column : 7 value : 0

Can someone please help me?


  • The solution as paulsm4 described in the comment is

     fp=fopen("/home/lopez380/Parallel/m10.vec", "r");
        int i=0;
        double val;
        while ( !feof(fp))
            buf[0] = 0;
            fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp);
            if(strlen(buf) > 1) 
                p1 = sscanf(buf, "%lf",&val );
                #ifdef DEBUG
                    fprintf(stdout, "vector : %lf \n", vector[0]);

    Output comes to

    vector : 0.837565
    vector : 3.074878
    vector : -3.968584
    vector : 3.975388
    vector : 0.703345

    TO read values (separated by space )into multiple arrays I used

     sscanf(buf, "%d%d%lf",&row,&column,&value );

    and buf has a datatype

    char buf[BUFSIZ];