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Sorting multiple arrays within a file. Putting states population in order

**This is my first post so don't know if I did this right. But I have to read a file and then put the list in order from smallest to largest by the population. All I get is Alabama and that shows up only one time. I think my problem is from the "for" statement but I am not sure. It could also be from the "return" statement. The file is set up like this


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Inorder {

     * @param args
     * @throws IOException 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         PrintWriter prw = new PrintWriter("outfile.txt");
                        File f = new File("census2010.txt");
                        if(!f.exists()) {
                            System.out.println( "f does not exist ");
                        Scanner infile = new Scanner(f);
                        infile.useDelimiter ("[\t|,|\n|\r]+");
                        final int MAX = 50;
                        int [] myarray = new int [MAX];
                        String[] statearray = new String[MAX];
                        int fillsize;

                        fillsize = fillarray (myarray, statearray, infile);

                        printarray (myarray, fillsize, prw);
                        sortarray(myarray, statearray, fillsize);


                    public static int fillarray (int[] num, String[] states, Scanner infile){

                        for( int count = 0; count < 50; count++){
                              int retcnt = 0;
                                int pop;
                                String state;
                                state =;
                                pop = infile.nextInt();
                            System.out.println(state + " " + pop + " ");
                            states[retcnt] = state;
                            num[retcnt] = pop;

                        return (retcnt); }


                    public static void printarray (int[] num, int fillsize, PrintWriter prw){
                        for (int counts = 0; counts < fillsize ; counts++){
                            System.out.println("For the position ["+counts+"] the value is " + num[counts]);
                            prw.println("For the position ["+counts+"] the value is " + num[counts]);

                    public static void  sortarray(int[] poparray, String[] statearray, int fillsize){

                        for( int fill = 0; fill < fillsize -1; fill = fill+1){
                            for ( int compare = fill+1; compare < fillsize; compare++){
                                if( poparray[compare] < poparray[fill]){

                                    int poptemp = poparray[fill];  
                                    poparray[fill] = poparray[compare]; 
                                    poparray[compare]  = poptemp;
                                // do I need something here?    
                                    String statetemp = statearray[fill];  
                                    statearray[fill] = statearray[compare]; 
                                    statearray[compare]  = statetemp;


  • It looks like you just need to move your return statement outside of the for loop.

    public static int fillarray (int[] num, String[] states, Scanner infile){
        for( int count = 0; count < 50; count++){
            // ...
        } // Finish *all* iterations of the loop, *then* return
        return (retcnt); 

    By having a return inside your loop, you only execute the first iteration and the method returns (preventing all other 49 iterations). You do this correctly in your printarray method.


    As you mentioned, moving the return statement outside of your loop makes it so that retcnt is no longer accessible. This is because you declare retcnt inside the loop; if you declare retcnt before the loop, you will have no problems.

    int retcnt = 0;
    for (//...) {
    // The variable retcnt is now accessible for the entire method scope, 
    // instead of just the loop block
    return retcnt;