I can use any browser on windows XP or 7. I can change any security options for my issue to be solved.
I need to print the contents of remote image (by its uri) from javascript or vbscript. I have a printer installed and I have its name.
Tha main thing of this question is to print without any dialog confirmations. I am fully understand the security side of the question, however, exactly because of this I can make any changes to browser's options.
I have tried this (found on the internet):
// in-browser vbscript
set shell = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
shell.Run ("mspaint /pt ""C:\temp\ticket.png"" ""CUSTOM TG2480-H""")
But this does not seem to work.
Look at Answer 1 here. Similar problem at another thread (html jquery - print specific image in page).